Monday, May 10, 2010

Elmer J. Fudd.. Biography

Check out this funny series on the life of Elmer Fudd!..

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hortons Coffee

Check out this funny Hortons Coffee customer service email re: Hortons Coffee.....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Taste of the Danforth

Are you a fan of Greek Food, Music and Culture?
Click HERE to find out more about the Taste of the Danforth in Toronto!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Greeks are a proud people, whether they live in the 'old country', or whether they have moved overseas and have become "Greek American", "Greek Canadian", or have migrated to other distant lands.

Many quickly adapt to their new homes, and join in to build new lives in their new communities. There are thousands of people who are "proud to be Greek American", "proud to be Greek Canadian", Greek Australian, and the like.

They all share a love of the history, glory, history (and food) that Greece has been known for for thousands of years, as well as a love for their new country.

Please take a moment to write of your experience. What parts of both your heritage and new country are you most proud of?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Proud to be Greek American

Are you proud to be Greek-American? Why not show off your love of both Greece and the USA?! Get your Proud to be Greek American t-shirts, mugs and gifts from Cafepress today!